Saturday, April 30, 2011

knowing the will of God

In the beginning, Adam chose knowledge over life as his source of existence... That is why we always want to KNOW the will of God for our lives instead of trusting God and just LIVING His will for our lives. When we come to Christ, we must choose to give up the thirst for knowledge and live by faith.

Not that learning and knowing is not good, but when that desire to have to KNOW everything in advance before you will LIVE instead of the other way around determines your steps, you are still adhering to a carnal mind.

That I why so many of us are so obsessed with "KNOWING the will of God for our lives" that we become completely paralyzed from being able to just LIVE His will TODAY. We think, "If I do this, will it contradict what I see myself doing 5 years from now?" That is a fleshly mindset, defined by KNOWING and SEEING as opposed to TRUSTING and BELIEVING.

Listen to His voice today and follow it. This is the life of faith God intended us to have. If you do this EVERY day, you will always end being who He wants you to be, where He wants you to be, when He wants you to be, how He wants you to be, and why He wants you to be.

-- Kris Miyake


  1. I remember hitting on some of this in some writing I did three summers ago. I used to be able to take steps and even leaps of faith, without needing to wait for the answer to, "God, is this what You would have me do?", if I even asked. If something was in my character, or not such a huge stretch for me, and if it lined up with what I believed to be any of my roles in the Body of Christ, I'd do it, even without hearing from God, all or even any of the confirmation I could think I need. This was how I easily took such chances in investing myself into people, because I believed (and still do believe) that at least one of my roles is to be a friend. I love how you characterize "friend" in your "hell yeah friends" post: "People that you can connect with on varying emotional, spiritual and physical levels. People that you can tell the most vapid of nonsense and then turn and tell them the darkest of your secrets and it all seems like one flowing conversation. People [you] can laugh with and cry with."

    However, following that writing (end of 2008 and much of 2009), I did become paralyzed, feeling like I really don't know what I'm doing, and that I would like some advance notice of what I should do...because I got tired of every step and leap of faith I took, apparently causing me to fall. Though I've made progress toward being more willing again to take leaps of faith once again, I'm still not where I was years ago. My latest friendship failure has threatened to set me back, but, I'm trying not to let it. I have too much else I need to do, to let it stall me. I still don't really hear from God or know His will on every single thing, but I think I'm okay with that.

  2. That being okay with that is the start of many good things.
