Sunday, August 28, 2011

Do It Then

There are moments where, as you're walking this path of life with God that you have what I call a prophetic moment.

Every person that is connected to God is subject to having these kinds of moments. In this moments, you may think or want to do something out of the ordinary.

For instance, a couple if days ago, I was playing around on Facebook and it occurred to me for no discernible reason that I should write a message to a few people. These are people that I've nit spoken with in some time, but I did it anyway.

Maybe that happens to you to and you just don't realize it.

Have you ever been praying and it occurs to you to pray for something that is strangely specific or worded in a way you wouldn't normally say?

Ever wanted to call someone to see if they're okay for no reason and had it evolve into a three hour conversation about everything happening in their lives?

Have you ever suddenly needed a great deal of time alone in silence?

It's little things like this that we are called as those who are called-out to be very sensitive to. These are the moments that move the Kingdom forward and change the world; small obedience is bigger than you think it is, so make a promise to yourself right now, that you will be as obedient as you know how and follow those small bits of guidance.

If you've ever heard the term, "Still small voice", now you know what we're talking about.

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